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Paper Survey Uploads by School

Scroll down to find your school's upload button.

Create one pdf per crew, roster first then surveys (split into multiple pdfs if needed). Name the pdf: OBschool.course#.crew ID ###.doc# (use document # if applicable, example: NWOBS.WWTB-842.003.1of2).
It's okay to upload multiple crews at the same time.


After uploading, delete the file off of your computer (it contains personal information) and mail paperwork to:

Survey Systems, 3650 Kent Street, Shoreview, MN. 55126

Screenshot 2019-01-21 09.54.59.png

Chesapeake Bay

Outward Bound School


Colorado Outward Bound School

Screenshot 2019-01-21 09.47.35.png

Hurricane Island Outward Bound School


North Carolina Outward Bound School


Northwest Outward Bound School


New York City Outward Bound Schools


Outward Bound California


Omaha Outward Bound School


Philadelphia Outward Bound School


Thompson Island Outward Bound School


Voyageur Outward Bound School



If your question doesn't get answered below, visit FAQs on other pages or email Tyler Fish.

Does data need to be perfect?

Yes it does. Be picky and make sure everything is accurate and complete before you hand it in. The quality of findings and the decisions we make based on them will depend on this.

Do I upload or mail returned Consent Forms?

No to both. Use your returned consent forms to complete the "Opted out/Form Returned" section of your roster and to ensure students without consent don't get a survey. After that you can recycle them or put them in the student files.

Do I upload or mail my list of student names and the electronic survey IDs?

Neither. Once the information is transferred to the roster, you can destroy that information.

Do I upload or mail Roster?

Both. First scan and upload it. Once it is uploaded, trash that file so private information is lurking about. Then mail the roster to Survey Systems with any paper surveys. 

I filled out the Crew Roster for electronic surveys. There are no surveys to mail, do I still send the roster?

Yes. A paper copy of your roster must be scanned by Survey Systems.

Do I really need to mail Crew Rosters and Surveys within two weeks of course-end?

Do you want your data? Yes. Your data won't be sent until paper copies are received. Uploaded rosters and surveys are just a backup for your school and are not scanned by Survey Systems.  Also, the faster you get everything submitted, the faster we can get results back to you.

Can I mail multiple crews at the same time?

Yes, just keep your rosters and surveys sorted by crew. For each set, put the roster on top of the surveys that go with it.

Mai the roster
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