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Training Resources

For those who train the trainers, this is for you. Many schools have been collaborating to generate resources so that we can re-invent the wheel just a little less. 


Follow the Resources link to accumulated wisdom. Use the Upload link to contribute.

Image by Lucrezia Carnelos

The Virtual Student Experience

How can Outward Bound enhance the lives of its students while only interacting with them over the internet? 


It might not be a course, but it can still be powerful. Explore the possibilities here. The first link is for resources; the second is to upload.


Virtual Staff Training

Is training staff easy? Is it enjoyable? Is it one of the hardest things you can do lead at Outward Bound? All of the above?


Now we are doing it in new ways, connecting, engaging and training staff online. How can they learn best what we need them to be able to do? Here is a link to resources and a link to upload resources, to then be organized by the Lab.


Outward Bound Basics

The button below gives you access to a world of learning about Outward Bound. The content is various and engaging and over time will help you become a better Outward Bound instructor.


Our online library is getting deeper and broader. We use Thinkific, and it's super easy!


Equity and Inclusion


The button below allows you access to a Google Drive folder titled Equity and Inclusion. The goal for it to be a go-to for Outward Bound staff. This is a folder with dynamic content, created and gathered by OB schools in the US. You may add content as desired. It is not your only resource, but it will be a consistent location even as its content changes.

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