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Outward Bound Outcomes Survey

Using Data to Inform Continuous Improvement

The 2023 OBOS Training is on Thinkific and can be found here.

The information on the OBOS pages is still conceptually accurate, but for the most recent Training, see the link above. Follow the guidelines on this website to ensure deployment consistency and complete and accurate data collection across all steps in the survey administration process. Great work produces great results. And we need great results to ask better questions, make better decisions, improve staff practice and courses, and help our students become more resilient and compassionate citizens.


The survey process is divided into Preparation and Administration. The first two pages outline that flow; links, and FAQs at the bottom are specific to that step of the process. The third page is only about consent forms. The fourth page covers rest of the forms and access to the electronic surveys. The fifth is solely for uploads and questions about that.


Note: aside from the Passive Consent Form and the checklists, all other forms are mailed to you at the beginning of the season. You are not able to print official surveys, Crew Rosters or Administration Guides.

Survey Administration Process


Training, checklists, consent form, crew roster, and FAQs.


What to bring when administering the survey (Admin. Guide, Roster, surveys), how to administer it, and FAQs.


There is a passive consent form for every student under 18. Find it here and familiarize yourself with how it works.

Guide, Roster, Surveys

If you're delivering the survey: all the forms you need and how to use them.


Scan it, upload it, mail it, and you're done.

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About the Survey

  • The Long format is a 54-item version of the survey, which takes 20 - 45 minutes to complete, and the Short format is a 28-item version of the survey, which takes 10 - 20 minutes to complete. The

  • Surveys are available in paper and electronic formats.

  • It is a retrospective-pre/post questionnaire administered once at course-end.

  • Measures change in student social-emotional development (SED) during a course.

  • Contains validated items from PEAR Institute's Holistic Student Assessment (HSA) for 6 SED sub-scales. (see right)

  • Contains experimental items being created by the Noam Institute for 6 SED sub-scales. (see right)

  • Designed for students ages 10-23 yrs.

  • Student participation is voluntary.

Standard (long) Survey Outcomes:

Assertiveness, Perseverance, Group Relationships, Teamwork, Empathy, Self-Awareness, Responsibility, Physical Confidence, Self-Regulation, Emotion Control, Learning Engagement, Staff and Student Relationships

Short Survey Outcomes:

Perseverance, Group Relationships, Teamwork, Self-Awareness, Physical Confidence and Learning Engagement


If your question doesn't get answered below, read the Administration Guide, visit FAQs on other pages, or email Tyler Fish, Professional Learning Lab Learning Specialist.

What are the expectations of the survey point person?

  1. Be the responsible person for everything survey-related.

  2. Get trained and train anyone else involved in the survey process.

  3. Answer staff questions and ensure they have everything they need.

  4. Complete and accurate data: Hold staff accountable, then double-check everything to verify.

  5. Scan rosters and surveys to pdf (one per crew), then upload within one week of course-end.

  6. Mail rosters and surveys within two weeks of course-end to Survey Systems, 3650 Kent St., Shoreview, MN  55126

Is everything I need here?

Yes and no.


Yes. The website is divided into Preparation, Administration, and then Consent, Guides, Rosters and Surveys, and lastly Uploads. It roughly mirrors the survey process and is mostly parallel to the checklists. If you're looking for something specific, imagine where it would occur in the process and visit that page. There are also training resources available.


No. Starting in 2020, you cannot print out Administration Guides, Crew Rosters or surveys. Those you receive in the mail, and there are unlikely to be very many extras! You also need to provide your own pencils (best) and pens (black or blue ink only).

I just need a survey. Do I need to download it?

No. Survey versions change over time and multiple versions get deployed concurrently in order to test different experimental outcomes. Current surveys and other paperwork are sent to your school every season. You should get them from your course director, basecamp outcomes manager, or your school outcomes point person.

Who do I talk to if I have questions?

There is a hierarchy. Follow the list below to get your answers. Admissions is also in the mix, but just how depends on your school.


  1. Field Instructors

  2. Course Director

  3. Outcomes Manager for your location

  4. Outcomes Point Person for your school

  5. Outward Bound Professional Learning Lab

Should the survey be completed by parents, teachers, or chaperones who are helping on a course?

No. The survey is meant to be completed by individuals who are student participants of a course and within the age range of 10-23 years.

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